Probiotic VS Prebiotic : Health Benefits Explained

So, you probably have heard all about the importance of PRObiotics in your diet. But, most people have no idea about PREbiotics which is critically important for your healthy gut. Did you know that on top of a healthy gut you can expect to help support your immune system as well? Why? Well, if you didn’t know but PREbiotics give “healthy bacteria something to build on” According to

Here’s a little background on Prebiotics and why they’re so important. First off, you need to understand that prebiotics are just indigestible fiber which if you didn’t know can NOT be broken down by the stomach or small intestine. That’s because it takes specific enzymes to break down such an indigestible prebiotic. Instead, your body can use your gut bacteria to ferment it instead.

If you’re looking to add prebiotics to your mix then you need to understand that some foods have prebiotic properties in them and others require you to cook them to create the properties. Heat can alter your food in more than just heating it up.

Here’s a few items that you can eat to start adding prebiotics to your diet and help with overall gut health. Tomatoes, garlic, onions and even bananas are some items you can get your prebiotics from among many many others that I don’t have time to cover here but if you’re looking for more prebiotic foods then look no further..

Again, there are a number of benefits to adding more prebiotics to your diet but most importantly are the fact that it helps with overall immune health. A healthy immune system is critical to staying healthy and it can even help prevent disease…

Cancer protection is one of the studies that has been confirmed although there is not much data on this topic.

Finally, overall gut health and even bowel health are also factors to think about when adding prebiotics to your diet. You can relieve constipation with dietary fiber and the same is true for prebiotic fiber. Support healthy gut and bowel movements by helping all the good and healthy bacteria in your gut to thrive!

So, you understand the importance of probiotics and what they’re all about but the question still stands.. How often should you be eating prebiotics. Can you over do it or not? Let’s dive into your questions so you can get your probiotics in and get that healthy gut you’re after.

The truth is that eating too much fiber can in fact lead to gut problems. Like everything in like, excess of anything is never a good thing. Also, it’s important to avoid huge fluctuations (like everything else in life as well right?) from low fiber to extreme high fiber dieting. This can have a negative impact so its important to SLOWLY increase your fiber intake over time rather than rushing it.

I truly hope this helps you understand all about Prebiotics vs probiotics and what it takes to maintain a healthy gut.